Entry #7: Fresh Food For Thought

After watching the film Fresh, it made me think about the way food is made. Up until now, I haven't put too much thought into what I actually consume. When it came to fast food, I always try to stray away from certain chains, because I always end up sick, but after seeing this film, it put food into a new perspective for me. Unfortunately, I still don't know what the best course of action is for me to take, and it's really easy to get overwhelmed.

The purpose of the film is to inform Americans of the mass production of the industrialization of food and the fact that many people who consume this food fail to realize the effect it has on the nation's agricultural world. The audience, clearly, is us: the consumers. It pertains to us the most because we are the end product of the mass food industry's industrial circle. The overall tone of this film really set it into reality just how awful it is for animals out there being genetically modified in order to taste better for us. It made me so upset seeing those animals being treated cruelly, and I'm positive that if you saw it too, you'd be fuming. 

And before you go asking me if this should concern you, it absolutely should. Millions of animals every year are being slaughtered and stabbed with needles of chemicals, our environment being torn apart just to get a quick bite. Would you like it if your pets were in your next meal? Would you like it if your meal was chock full of chemicals just so it tastes good? Because I guarantee you that your body won't. And that's a fact. We as Americans, need to be proactive in what we consume and what's being put in it, while being conscientious of the world we live in and how the animals around us are raised too. 

Stay mindful, Socialites!


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